Pink concrete facade refers to the craft of sculpting sandstone
Situated in one of the most respectful locations in the capital city of Phnom Penh, the project is an apartment building designed by Bloom in 2020. It gracefully reacts to its site context — the surrounding elements and Cambodia's harsh tropical sun.

Facing South-East, known for the warmest orientation in Cambodia, Bloom proposed a scheme to avoid direct sunlight into the building while still benefiting from the grand view toward the National Museum, the Royal palace and the ancient trees.

The facade is designed to be a functional grid with a slight twist and tropical planter boxes in between to filter the sun.

Each apartment has their own private balconies in different depths allowing for large glass openings to revel in the scenery and accessibility to maintenance.

Monochrome exterior is to create a noble aspect and distilled expression that references the history of the sandstone sculptors in the area, a tribute to Cambodia craft in a contemporary way.

The pink hue of pigmented precast concrete ties to the local pink sandstone and contextualizes the building in its surroundings.

The residence building accommodates 2 types of room, 3BR apartments and 4BR apartments.

All are bathed in natural light and cross ventilation with living rooms at the front, bedrooms at the back and serving space in the middle.

A simple interior palette with colors accentuated on furniture and fabric conveys a sense of calm as an antidote to the busy life.